Sundays: Mass every Sunday in the Parish Church 10.30 am, also at 9.15 am Farnivane. Vigil Mass Saturday evening in Newcestown at 8pm, September to May.
Holydays: There are four holydays of obligation which often occur on workdays: Epiphany (6 January), Assumption (15 August), All Saints (1 November), Immaculate Conception (8 December). When these fall on weekdays, Mass is at 10.30 am in Newcestown and 8pm in Farnivane. When any falls on a Saturday, Mass is at 12 noon in Farnivane and 8pm in Newcestown. There are two holydays which are also public holidays: St Patrick’s Day and Christmas Day. Masses on St Patrick’s Day are as on Sundays (including Vigil Mass). Times of Christmas Masses are decided each year by the Pastoral Council and announced locally.
Weekdays: Mass every Monday and Wednesday at 10 am in Newcestown. Mass on First Fridays at 12 noon in Newcestown, September to June, otherwise 10 am. Mass in Farnivane 9.30 am Thursday, except Thursday preceding First Friday when Mass is at 7.30pm; also 7.30 pm July & August.
On Bank Holiday Mondays, Mass is at 10.30 am in Newcestown. Morning Mass cancelled on the day of another major parish Mass (wedding, funeral etc). If in doubt, consult calendar on website ( or the weekly newsletter.