
Murragh and Templemartin Parish Pastoral Council

The first Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) was formed in 2008 and was made up of 18 people drawn from the 18 Station Areas of the Parish.  It engaged in the preparation and organisation of a number of liturgical celebrations such as Graveyard Masses, Mass for the Elderly, November Novena and Christmas and Easter Ceremonies.  The term of the first PPC concluded after 3 years.  A new Council was formed in April 2011 after a parish wide nomination process which resulted in over 100 people being nominated.  The new Council was eventually formed comprising of approximately 30 parishioners.

The PPC is broken down into 3 working Groups – Liturgy and Faith Education, Community and Communication and Young People and Children.
The Vision Statement of the new PPC was agreed in September 2011.
It is planned that all parishioners will be kept up to date with the activities of the PPC through this website, the parish newsletter and through the PPC members themselves.

Parish Finance Committee

The first Parish Finance Committee was formed in October of 2004.  A public meeting was held to which all parishioners were invited and from that meeting our first committee was put in place.  It addressed the finances of the parish and support of its priest.  The Finance Committee take responsibility in organizing the weekly envelopes and the quarterly support of its priest.  The past number of years has been hectic as both our churches have been renovated and a new Parochial House built.  It’s members serve for a three year term.

Altar Society

In both our churches there are people involved in Church decoration and cleaning. For any special Liturgical Celebration the Altar Society organize the decoration to a very high standard.

Thematic Group help with decoration by creating themed displays for seasonal or special events eg Thanksgiving.

There are choirs in both our churches. They sing at the Sunday morning masses and other special occasions.

Altar Servers

All girls and boys post First Communion are invited to serve as Altar Servers with the consent of their parents or guardians.

We have Ministers of the Word, Ministers of the Eucharist, Church Collectors, at all of our masses.

The First Communion children are responsible for the Offertory Procession at all the masses.

The primary school children take responsibility for the Prayers of the Faithful.